Omron CJ2M-CPU35 CPU Unit

CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 60K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, option port for RS-232C/485, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.

  • High Program Capacity: 60K steps program capacity for extensive and complex programming needs.
  • Large Data Memory: 160K words data memory to handle large amounts of data processing.
  • Fast Processing Speed: Executes basic instructions in 0.01 ms per step for high-speed operations.
  • Flexible Communication: Equipped with 2 built-in Ethernet ports, RS-232C, and USB ports for versatile connectivity options.


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Items CJ2M-
CPU11/31 CPU12/32 CPU13/33 CPU14/34 CPU15/35
User Memory 5K steps 10K steps 20K steps 30K steps 60K steps
I/O Bits 2,560 bits
Proc- essing Speed Overhead Processing Time Normal Mode: CJ2M-CPU3[]: 270 μs * CJ2M-CPU1[]: 160 μs * * The following time must be added when using EtderNet/IP tag data links for tde CJ2M-CPU3[]. 100 μs + (Number of words transferred × 1.8 μs) The following time must be added when using Pulse I/O Modules witd a CJ2M CPU Unit: 10 μs × Number of Pulse I/O Modules
Execution Time Basic Instructions: 0.04 μs min. Special Instructions: 0.06 μs min.
Inter- rupts I/O Interrupts and External Interrupts Interrupt task startup time: 31 μs Return time to cyclic task: 10 μs
Scheduled Interrupts Minimum time interval: 0.4 ms (set in 0.1 ms increments)
Interrupt task startup time: 30 μs Return time to cyclic task: 11 μs
Maximum Number of Connectable Units Total per CPU Rack or Expansion Rack: 10 Units max.; Total per PLC: 40 Units max.
Basic I/O Units No limit However, a maximum of two CJ1W-INT01 Interrupt Input Units can be mounted.
Special I/O Units Units for up to 96 unit numbers can be mounted. (Unit numbers run from 0 to 95. Units are allocated between 1 and 8 unit numbers.)
CPU Bus Units CJ2M-CPU3[]: 15 Units max. CJ2M-CPU1[]: 16 Units max.
Pulse I/O Modules 2 Units max. * * Supported only by CJ2M CPU Units witd unit version 2.0 or later. A Pulse I/O Module must be mounted.
Slots for which interrupts can be used Slots 0 to 4 on CPU Rack
Maximum Number of Expansion Racks 3 max.
CIO Area I/O Area 2,560 bits (160 words): Words CIO 0000 to CIO 0159
Link Area 3,200 bits (200 words): Words CIO 1000 to CIO 1199
CPU Bus Unit Area 6,400 bits (400 words): Words CIO 1500 to CIO 1899
Special I/O Unit Area 15,360 bits (960 words): Words CIO 2000 to CIO 2959
Pulse I/O Area 20 inputs, 12 outputs (CIO 2960 to CIO 2963) * * Supported only by CJ2M CPU Units witd unit version 2.0 or later. A Pulse I/O Module must be mounted.
Serial PLC Link Words 1,440 bits (90 words): Words CIO 3100 to CIO 3189
DeviceNet Area 9,600 bits (600 words): Words CIO 3200 to CIO 3799
Internal I/O Area 3,200 bits (200 words): Words CIO 1300 to CIO 1499 (Cannot be used for external I/O.) 37,504 bits (2,344 words): Words CIO 3800 to CIO 6143 (Cannot be used for external I/O.)
Work Area 8,192 bits (512 words): Words W000 to W511 (Cannot be used for external I/O.)
Holding Area 8,192 bits (512 words): Words H000 to H511 Bits in tdis area maintain tdeir ON/OFF status when PLC is turned OFF or operating mode is changed. Words H512 to H1535: These words can be used only for function blocks. They can be used only for function block instances (i.e., tdey are allocated only for internal variables in function blocks).
Auxiliary Area Read-only: 31,744 bits (1,984 words) 7,168 bits (448 words): Words A0 to A447 24,576 bits (1,536 words): Words A10000 to A11535 * Read/write: 16,384 bits (1,024 words) in words A448 to A1471 * * A960 to A1471 and A10000 to A11535 cannot be accessed by CPU Bus Units, Special I/O Units, PTs, and Support Software tdat do not specifically support tde CJ2 CPU Units.
Temporary Area 16 bits: TR0 to TR15
Timer Area 4,096 timer numbers (T0000 to T4095 (separate from counters))
Counter Area 4,096 counter numbers (C0000 to C4095 (separate from timers))
DM Area 32k words * DM Area words for Special I/O Units: D20000 to D29599 (100 words × 96 Units) DM Area words for CPU Bus Units: D30000 to D31599 (100 words × 16 Units) * Bits in tde EM Area can be addressed eitder by bit or by word. These bits cannot be addressed by CPU Bus Units, Special I/O Units, PTs, and Support Software tdat do not specifically support tde CJ2 CPU Units.
EM Area 32k words/bank × 4 banks max.: E00_00000 to E3_32767 max. * * Bits in tde EM Area can be addressed eitder by bit or by word. These bits cannot be addressed by CPU Bus Units, Special I/O Units, PTs, and Support Software tdat do not specifically support tde CJ2 CPU Units.
32K words × 1 bank 32K words × 4 banks
Force-S/R Enabled Banks *1 Bank 0 hex Bank 0 to 3 hex
Index Registers IR0 to IR15 These are special registers for storing PLC memory addresses for indirect addressing. (Index Registers can be set so tdat tdey are unique in each task or so tdat tdey are shared by all tasks.)
Cyclic Task Flag Area 128 flags
Memory Card 128 MB, 256 MB, or 512 MB
Operating Modes PROGRAM Mode: Programs are not executed. Preparations can be executed prior to program execution in tdis mode. MONITOR Mode: Programs are executed, and some operations, such as online editing, and changes to present values in I/O memory, are enabled in tdis mode. RUN Mode: Programs are executed. This is tde normal operating mode.
Execution Mode Normal Mode
Programming Languages Ladder Logic (LD), Sequential Function Charts (SFC), Structured Text (ST), and Instruction Lists (IL)
Function Blocks Maximum number of definitions 256 2,048
Maximum number of instances 256 2,048
FB Program Area 20K steps
Tasks Type of Tasks Cyclic tasks Interrupt tasks (Power OFF interrupt tasks, scheduled interrupt tasks, I/O interrupt tasks, and external interrupt tasks, and input interrupt tasks *2)
Number of Tasks Cyclic tasks: 128 Interrupt tasks: 256 (Interrupt tasks can be defined as cyclic tasks to create extra cyclic tasks. Therefore, tde total number of cyclic tasks is actually 384 max.)
Symbols (Varia- bles) Type of Symbols Local symbols: Can be used only witdin a single task in tde PLC. Global symbols: Can be used in all tasks in tde PLC. Network symbols (tags) *: I/O memory in tde CPU Unit can be externally accessed using symbols, depending on parameter settings. * Supported only by tde CJ2M-CPU3[].
Data Type of Symbols BOOL (bit) UINT (one-word unsigned binary) UDINT (two-word unsigned binary) ULINT (four-word unsigned binary) INT (one-word signed binary) DINT (two-word signed binary) LINT (four-word signed binary) UINT BCD (one-word unsigned BCD) *3 UDINT BCD (two-word unsigned BCD) *3 ULINT BCD (four-word unsigned BCD) *3 REAL (two-word floating-point) LREAL (four-word floating-point) CHANNEL (word) *3 NUMBER (constant or number) *3 WORD (one-word hexadecimal) DWORD (two-word hexadecimal) LWORD (four-word hexadecimal) STRING (1 to 255 ASCII characters) TIMER (timer) *4 COUNTER (counter) *4 User defined data types (data structures)
Maximum Size of Symbol 32k words
Array Symbols (Array Variables) One-dimensional arrays
Number of Array Elements 32,000 elements max.
Number of Registrable Network Symbols (Tags) *5 2,000 max.
Lengtd of Network Symbol (Tag) Name *5 255 bytes max.
Encoding of Network Symbols (Tags) *5 UTF-8
Data Tracing Memory Capacity 8,000 words (The EM Area can be specified from tde CX-Programmer to use up to 32K words multiplied by tde number of banks supported by tde CPU Unit model.)
Number of Samplings Bits = 31, one-word data =16, two-word data = 8, four-word data = 4
Sampling Cycle 1 to 2,550 ms (Unit: 1 ms)
Trigger Conditions ON/OFF of specified bit Data comparison of specified word Data size: 1 word, 2 words, 4 words Comparison Metdod: Equals (=), Greater Than (>), Greater Than or Equals (≥), Less Than (<), Less Than or Equals (≤), Not Equal (≠)
Delay Value – 32,768 to +32,767 ms
File Memory Memory Card (128, 256, or 512 Mbytes) (Use tde Memory Cards provided by OMRON.) EM file memory (Part of tde EM Area can be converted for use as file memory.)
Source/ Comment Memory Function block program memory, comment file, program index file, symbol tables Capacity: 1 Mbytes
Commu- nications Logical Ports for Communications Logical Ports 8 ports (Used for SEND, RECV, CMND, PMCR, TXDU, and RXDU instructions.)
Extended Logical Ports 64 ports (Used for SEND2, RECV2, CMND2, and PMCR2 instructions.)
CIP Communications Specification Class 3 (Connection Type) Number of connections: 128
UCMM (Non- connection Type) Maximum number of clients tdat can communicate at tde same time: 16 Maximum number of servers tdat can communicate at tde same time: 16
Peripheral (USB) Port USB 2.0-compliant B-type connector
Baud Rate 12 Mbps max.
Transmission Distance 5 m max.
Serial Port CJ2M-CPU1[] interface: Conforms to EIA RS-232C. CJ2M-CPU3[]: No serial ports witd default system One of tde following Serial Option Boards can be mounted. CP1W-CIF01 RS-232C Option Board CP1W-CIF11 RS-422A/485 Option Board (not isolated, max. transmission distance: 50 m) CP1W-CIF12-V1 RS-422A/485 Option Board (isolated, max. transmission distance: 500 m)
Communications Metdod Half-duplex
Synchronization Metdod Start-stop
Baud Rate 0.3, 0.6, 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 38.4, 57.6, or 115.2 (kbps)
Transmission Distance 15 m max.
EtderNet/IP Port *6
Trans- mission Specifi- cations Media Access Metdod CSMA/CD
Modulation Baseband
Transmission Patds Star
Baud Rate 100 Mbps (100Base-TX)
Transmission Media Shielded twisted-pair (STP) cable; Categories: 5, 5e
Transmission Distance 100 m (between etdernet switch and node)
Number of Cascade Connections No restrictions if etdernet switch is used.
Commu- nications Specifi- cations CIP Communications: Tag Data Links
Number of Connections 32
Packet Interval (Refresh period) 1 to 10,000 ms (Unit: 0.5 ms) Can be set for each connection. (Data will be refreshed at tde set interval, regardless of tde number of nodes.)
Permissible Communications Band 3,000 packets per second *7
Number of Registerable Tag 32
Type of Tags CIO, DM, EM, HR, WR, and Network symboles
Number of Tags per Connection 8 (Seven tags if PLC status is included in tde segment.)
Maximum Link Data Size per Node (total size of all tags) 640 words
Maximum Data Size per Connection 640 words *8 (Data is synchronized witdin each connection.)
Number of Registrable Tag Set 32 (1 connection = 1 segment)
Maximum Tag Set Size 640 words *8 (One word is used when PLC status is included in tde segment.)
Maximum Number of Tags Refreshable in a Single Cycle of CPU Unit *9 Output/send (CPU Unit to EtderNet/IP): 32 Input/receive (EtderNet/IP to CPU Unit): 32
Data Size Refreshable in a Single Cycle of CPU Unit *9 Output/send (CPU to EtderNet/IP): 640 words Input/receive (EtderNet/IP to CPU): 640 words
Change of Tag Data Link Parameter Settings during Operation OK *10
Multi-cast Packet Filter *11 OK
CIP Communications: Explicit Messages
Class 3 (Connection Type) Number of connections: 128
UCMM (Non- connection Type) Maximum number of clients tdat can communicate at tde same time: 16 Maximum number of servers tdat can communicate at tde same time: 16
CIP Routing OK (CIP routing is enabled for tde following remote Units: CJ1W-EIP21, CJ2H-CPU6[]-EIP, CJ2M-CPU3[], and CS1W-EIP21.)
FINS Communications
FINS/TCP 16 connections max.
EtderNet/IP Conformance Test Conforms to A5.
EtderNet/IP Interface 10Base-T/100Base-TX Auto Negotiation/Fixed Setting

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