[traduction g]

OMRON DC Input Unit NX-ID5342

Digital input module, 16 digital inputs, suitable for the NX series PLCs.

  • Capacité d'entrée élevée: 16 NPN input points for extensive monitoring.
  • Réponse rapide: ON/OFF response time of 20 μs for rapid signal processing.
  • Conception compacte: Measures 12 x 100 x 71 mm, optimizing space utilization.
  • Large plage de fonctionnement:Convient pour des températures de 0 à 55°C.
  • Communication fiable: EtherCAT support ensures fast and robust data transfer.
  • Conformité: Meets CE, UL, and RoHS standards for safety and environmental requirements.


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Nom de l'unitéDC Input UnitModèleNX-ID5342
Nombre de points16 pointsExternal connection terminalsScrewless clamping terminal block (16 terminals)
I/O refreshing methodSelectable Synchronous I/O refreshing or Free-Run refreshing
IndicateursTS indicator, input indicator
E/S interne communeNPN
Tension d'entrée nominale24 VDC (15 to 28.8 VDC)
Courant d'entrée3.5 mA typical (at 24 VDC), rated current
ON voltage/ON current15 VDC min./2 mA min. (between IOG and each signal)
OFF voltage/OFF current5 VDC max./0.5 mA max. (between IOG and each signal)
ON/OFF response time20 μs max./400 μs max.
Input filter timeWithout filter, 0.25 ms, 0.5 ms, 1 ms (factory setting), 2 ms, 4 ms, 8 ms, 16 ms, 32 ms, 64 ms, 128 ms, 256 ms
Dimensions12 (W) x 100 (H) x 71 (D)Méthode d'isolementIsolation du photocoupleur
Insulation resistance20 MΩ min. between isolated circuits (at 100 VDC)Rigidité diélectrique510 VAC between isolated circuits for 1 minute at a leakage current of 5 mA max.
I/O power supply methodSupply from the NX busCurrent capacity of I/O power supply terminalSans bornes d'alimentation E/S
NX Unit power consumption• Connected to a CPU Unit or Communication Control Unit 0.90 W max. • Connected to a Communi- cations Coupler Unit 0.55 W max.Current consumption from I/O power supplyNo consumption
Poids65 g max.
Disposition du circuit
Installation orientation and restrictionsInstallation orientation: • Connected to a CPU Unit or Communication Control Unit: Possible in upright installation. • Connected to a Communications Coupler Unit: Possible in 6 orientations. Restrictions: No restrictions
Terminal connection diagram
Disconnection/ Short-circuit detectionNon pris en charge.Fonction de protectionNon pris en charge.

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